Monday, March 18, 2013

President Clinton turns out to support Senator Mark Pryor

The Miller County Democratic Party turned out to support U. S. Senator Mark Pryor's bid for re-election in 2014 at a fundraising event in Little Rock highlighted by Former President Bill Clinton, Governor Mike Beebe and former Governor and Senator David Pryor.

Senator Mark Pryor understandably faces ongoing assault from the Republican party and "shell" organizations such as the conservative Club for Growth which have optimistic names cloaking hidden dangerous agendas.  Even without an announced Republican candidate, it is clear that the Republican party intends to focus much of it's energy (and money) on defeating Sen. Mark Pryor in an effort to win control of the Senate next year.

Using the charisma and common sense manner of speech that helped elect him as Arkansas Governor and propel him into two terms as President, President Clinton addressed the enthusiastic crowd at the State House Convention Center stating the following about Sen. Mark Pryor, "the reason this is a race of national sign is because it's about whether a senator who cares about his own people more than ideological purity can be financed, elected, lifted by the people he has served in the face of all these crazy currents that are taking America and tearing it to shreds".  If the million dollars raised that night and the electric current pulsing through the room are any indication, the Republican Party is going to find a formidable opponent in Senator Pryor and his voting record.

For more information on how to get involved in Senator Pryor's bid to maintain some balance for our party in the U. S. Senate contact his reelection office at 501-353-1116.

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