Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thank You Sen. Jimmy Hickey and Rep. Prissy Hickerson

Bi-Partisan Deal Reached for Private Option in Arkansas
Thank you to Sen. Jimmy Hickey Jr. and Rep. Prissy Hickerson for acting in the best interest of ALL Arkansans to pass what is commonly called "Private Option" to give healthcare to hundreds of thousands of people in Arkansas.
They worked long into the night and there was heavy pressure on them to vote against it. But they did what they were elected to do.

See Pics: Mike Ross in Texarkana Asks to be Next Ark Governor

Former Congressman Mike Ross and his wife, Holly, were in Texarkana on Thursday to announce his candidacy for Arkansas governor. His only announced opponent is former Lt. Gov. Bill Halter.
Ross is a native of Prescott, Ark. Holly's parents are from Texarkana, Texas and they were on hand to support Ross.
Texarkana was one of several stops during a fly-around to announce his candidacy. He started the day in Prescott to a crowd of about 100 people.
Ross told the crowd of about 80 people in Texarkana that his love for the state, combined with the way the Republican-controlled legislature's mishandling of the state has convinced him that it was time to run.
Ross formerly represented the 4th Congressional District, which includes Miller County, Little River County, Lafayette County and a large network of counties that make up Southwest Arkansas.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mike Ross to announce bid for Gov. in Texarkana

Former Congressman Mike Ross will announce his bid for Arkansas Governor at 9:30 am, Wednesday, April 17 at TAC Air. Everyone is invited to attend.


As Democrats, we give credit where credit is due. THANK YOU to Rep. Prissy Hickerson, R-Texarkana for crossing the aisle once again in the Arkansas House to vote FOR the "Private Option" of the expansion of Medicaid,which provides medical insurance for hundreds of thousands of disabled, poor and children of Arkansas. Rep. Hickerson has compassion.
Her counterpart, Lane Jean, R-Magnolia, who represents all Miller County residents except those in Texarkana, all of Lafayette County and a sliver of folks in Columbia County again vote AGAINST the plan.
Yet again, Jean has shown that he is out of touch with not just Southwest Ark, but ALL of Arkansas.
When you live almost 2 hours away from Miller County and very rarely (count on one hand) visit Miller County, it's not hard to understand why he is OUT OF TOUCH.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Make Your Voice Heard!

Please call State Rep. Lane Jean to ask him to vote YEA tomorrow for the Private Option as part of the Medicaid Expansion in Arkansas. Today, he was in the minority that voted against it. Miller County deserves a representative who will stand up for its citizens! (501) 682-6211